Saturday, December 12, 2009

My morning routine

I have decided to pass on some knowledge. Something that everyone can benefit from - my morning routine. Every morning, I hope to be at my office by a modest 8:00 a.m. As you can see, I dont ask of much of myself. I try to usually go to bed by 11:00 pm, trying to give myself at least 8 hours of sleep. However, I end up sleeping a little bit late every day. Some times as late as 12 pm. So, now as I try to maximize my sleeping time, while meeting my modest goal of being at work by 8 a.m., I have set myself a very nice optimization problem. How do you optimize your early morning routine, without giving up on the important aspects of it ? Before, you jump ahead of me and assume that I arrive at work shabbily, skipping breakfast, or not having brushed my teeth, let me assure you that this is not the case. Every morning, I brush my teeth, give myself a shave, take a good bath, put on a clean pair of clothes (and these days a sweater), make myself a protein shake and drink it, leave a glass of water for my wife, warm up my car for 5 mins (since its winter) and wear my shoes before I leave.

The most important part of my optimized daily routine, is parallel-processing. Just because I have a lot of things to do, it does not mean I have to do them serially. Lets knock of the easiest thing which everyone has seen in a movie or two. Brushing your teeth while taking bath, or while picking your clothes for the day. Piece of cake. I still have not practiced shaving while doing some thing else as I am scared of cutting myself. Maybe with a electric shaver some day ? After I get ready and step out of my bedroom, my big tasks are to have a protein shake, pick up my keys, cell phone and wallet, wear my shoes and warm up my car. So, I first pick my keys and start my car. So it warms up while I do my other stuff. I prepare my protein shake and proceed to grab my wallet and cell phone. Now an important optimization step. Putting on my socks and shoes. I put on the first sock on my left leg, and while I am putting the sock on my right leg, I slip my left leg in to the shoe. Voila! knocked off 10 secs right there! Next, I slip on my other shoe. But, I do not tie my shoe-lace right away. That my dear friends, can wait. I get in to my now warm car, and begin to drive. I have learnt that my drive will typically involve at least two traffic lights. So instead of twiddling my thumbs while waiting at the traffic light, I tie my show laces at the traffic lights. Cha-Ching! A good 30 seconds in your pocket! Want to save more time, wear your sweater while waiting at the traffic light. 10 more seconds! A little more time ? Dont wear your socks or shoes till you get in the car. Put them in a cover in the passenger seat beside you and wear them at the traffic lights. Dont make the mistake of leaving the shoes at your feet without wearing them. It can be a real hazard, as the shoes can come in the way of your gas pedal or brake pedal. So, you see, I care about my safety and the safety of others too!
Do you have some tips to save more time in your morning routine ?? Let me hear them.


uma said...

Yes, I have one that I learnt from a movie, take a 7 and half minute nap at 2 pm in the afternoon and have a barber shave your beard, cut nails in those 7.5 minutes :P

Kiran said...

Ha ha! Very funny.

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