Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day 2009 road trip - the short version

Here is the fact sheet from our long road trip.

Started from Indy on Friday (the 22nd) at 5 pm. Had dinner at Taco Bell along the way (at 8:00 pm). Reached Roanoke (Virginia) at 2 am in the night battling a cold and drowsiness (had to pull over the last 45 mins and have Uma take over!).

Woke up on Saturday (the 23rd) at checkout time. Rushed out, and had breakfast at Waffle House. Drove to Shenandoah Park, along the Blue Ridge Parkway in 4 hours. Did a 3 hour 3.5 mile hike that took us to the Doyle falls. Drove to our hotel at Harrisonburg, VA after another 2 hr drive. Spotted a bear cub sprinting across the road about 20 feet from our car! Watched the Nuggets lose at the hotel. Had dinner at a Mexican restaurant close to our hotel.

Woke up on Sunday (the 24th) morning at 9 and drove back to Shenandoah. Did another 3 hr 3 mile hike, this time to a panorama point showing good views of the park. Started driving for DC at 2:30 and reached The White House, at 4:30. Walked around and saw the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument. Reached Aruna and Kanna's house at 7:45 and had dinner there. Drove back to Harrisonburg by 11 pm.

Woke up on Monday (the 25th) morning at 9 and had breakfast at a bagel place nearby. Loved the Berry bagel with Maple cheese spread! Started driving back at 10:30 and reached Columbus, Indiana at 7:30. Watched the Nuggets beat the Lakers at the comfort of home!


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