Monday, January 18, 2010

Back to the dentist

About six months ago, I made a trip to the dentist and wrote about it here. I set up a recurring appointment then, as my company paid for preventive cleaning done every six months. I went back recently, and had a similar experience to my first visit.

Firstly, a note to self : Make sure you wear good shoes before going to the dentist.
When you are standing normally, your trousers cover a good portion of your shoes and even if they are not, its a long way down for someone to be looking, if they wanted to see your shoes. At the dentist's office, when you are lying down, your feet are raised to little below the dentist's eye level. And if you are like me, wearing company shoes, that are rarely polished, then you know what I am talking about.

Anyway, back to my dentist experience - how do you differentiate between a yes and a no, when your mouth is wide open and you are trying to decide what to do your tongue so that it is not in the way of the dentist ? While I am trying my best, to keep up with this uncomfortable position, the dentist is whistling to himself happily and pops a question.

"So Phani, did you make any new resolutions this year ?"

"Oh yeah ? I will have to ask you what those are."
"What the hell ? With all the construction crew you have in my mouth ??"

"Let me rinse your mouth first."

So he proceeds to rinse my mouth and I tell him about my resolutions. All this while, he is holding some more equipment, looking rather impatient as if he would rather just get along with his work. After I finish, he thrusts more tools into my mouth (oops I just made an inappropriate joke, didn't I ?). As I lie down, he asks almost immediately

"So what book are you reading now ?"

"Yes, I know. Let me wait till I rinse you again"

This went on a couple of more times. Lesson learnt. Next time the dentist asks me questions, I will answer in a way, that leaves no room for follow-up questions.

"Did you make any new year resolutions ?"

"No ? Why not ?"
(shrugs shoulders) "uhh.."


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