Sunday, January 3, 2010

A trip full of firsts

Uma and I just returned from our vacation. We went to Florida and the Bahamas, it was the most exotic vacation we have had so far. I have typically not enjoyed two popular activities - swimming or anything to do with water, and dancing. On this vacation I did both of these, and enjoyed the water activities.

The vacation had a lot of firsts for me. These are the ones that I can share with family audiences :)

1. The first time I opened my eyes under water. This happened at the coast of Bahamas. Clear waters, also saw some fish. The salt water does sting a bit, and it was far too blurry for me, but it was a lot of fun!

2. Floated on water! This is a big achievement for me. I have tried this a couple of times and failed miserably. This time I got some tips from Uma and was able to successfully float on my back. I got greedy and attempted the backstroke, but failed :)

3. 30 minutes under water with an oxygen tank. The underwater sub adventure gave me a chance to do this. I hope to post a video of this soon and boast about it for a long time.

4. Parasailing: Frankly, it was a little too hyped for me. However, I can see why this is popular and enjoyed it a bit. The views are spectacular and it makes for some great pictures. I regret not having taken a camera with me when I was doing this. I strongly recommend that you take a handheld camera with you, if you do this.

5. Going on a cruise: It was just a 2 day cruise to Bahamas and back. I loved every minute of it. I was a little bit skeptical of how much I would be able to enjoy myself, and if the activities would be in sync with my energy levels. However, there is a little bit for people of all energy levels on this cruise. I had a whole bunch of firsts on this cruise, sadly not all of which can be mentioned on this blog!

6. Eat 4 dinners in a single evening: Yes, crazy as it sounds, I did it. There's an unlimited buffet on the cruise. The unlimited means that you can leave and come back as many times as you want. There was food in some form or the other till 1130 in the night. And no, I did not just have dessert in one of these 4 dinners. Starting at 6:30 pm, I came back 3 other times and had something or the other from the main course!


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