Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 2 of our Dec 2009 Vacation

Woke up at 8:30 and had a quick breakfast at our hotel (Quinta Inn). Started driving towards Miami. The road was fairly boring, and I somehow managed to stay awake. One close call, as we approached Miami. I noticed a Volkswagon Beetle in the right lane, a little behind us. I put on my indicator and tried to change lanes. The Beetle guy accelerated like a possessed guy and came in to close the gap. I made the mistake of not checking before changing my lanes. Uma's gasp alerted me to it and I came back to my lane. Car swerved a bit but everything else was ok. Phew! We then proceeded to Miami Intl Airport and dropped off our car at 1:30 pm. Now we had to get to the cruise by 2:30 pm. We asked the car rental guys if they could give us a ride to the Port of Miami (where we had to board the cruise). They told us a bus could pick us up but it would show up in 30 mins. We panicked, as we didnt want to barely make it to the cruise. We got ourselves a cab (for 26$), and drove off. As we left the rental car location, we saw what seemed to be our bus, just pulling in to the lot :) Oh well.
As we pulled towards the Port of Miami, we were very eager to catch a sight of the cruise ship. I had no idea of what to expect from the size of this ship, or what the harbor front would look like. My first glimpse was not disappointing at all. This was big all right! It looked pretty colorful too. And there was lots of activity at the harbor front. A porter came to talk to us. He asked us to drop off our heavy luggages there. He was also nice enough to point out that any tips for him should be made right then, since we would not see him after that. Good job, man! This, my friends, is begging in its truest form. Not asking for tips! After that, Uma was visibly anxious about the next steps. I was unusually calm for my personality. We walked in through some procedures which seemed fairly similar to the airlines check-in procedures. A security screening for your carryon luggages, followed by printing of boarding passes, and finally taking the walkway to our cruise. There were a lot of people high on red bull (or something else ?) welcoming us. We were offerred free champagne or orange juice (in a champagne glass) at the entrance. Once you enter the cruise, nothing really feels like you are on a cruise. Excepting that you keep reminding yourself of that all the time. We entered what seemed to be like a bar area. There were a lot of the ship's crew who had set up shop there and tried to get us to buy something. It could be either a reservation for two, for dinner or a chance to enter a lottery, or something to do with the casino. Somehow, we avoided this trap. We were kind og eager to see our rooms at this point, as it looked like there was no real exit route from this trap! We found our way to the elevators. By that time, Uma had regained her composure. She was ready with information on which floor we should be going to, and what we should be expecting. We reached out room, which looked pretty much like the pictures on the net. The first thing I noticed was a small portable tv. Not just because I am a guy, but because it was switched on. There seemed to be some sort of a safety announcement being made at that point. We sat for a few mins, freshened up and walked out to explore the rest of the boat. We were actually very hungry at this point, having not eaten anything since breakfast. It was around 3 pm. Now, food is one of the things I was very curious about, on this cruise. I had heard stories about the famous buffets on cruises. Not particularly that they are delicious, but that they are available at most times, and people end up eating a lot. We asked a crew member for directions, and she directed us, to THE buffet! Here I was, 3 in the afternoon, standing in a buffet line, snacking on pastries, lemon rice, breads, and pretty much anything else vegetarian they had to offer!

After we had eaten lunch 1, we set off to explore the rest of the cruise. Uma was like a person who had 50 redbulls! She was not tired and wanted to see what the cruise had to offer. It turned out to be a blessing, as we became aware of almost everything that was free on this cruise! There were 3 important activity places - The Stardust theater which had a lot of free shows, the buffet place on the top deck, which had free, unlimited food almost any time of the day, and the deck area itself which had a couple of pools, hot tubs, ping pong tables, basketball courts and a whole lot of other activities. We hung around near the pool area for a while, relaxing on the beach chairs, under the sun! Oh yes, did I mention the sun ? It was mid 70s when we started and we were expecting 83 degrees C the next day, at Nassau, Bahamas. But like the cruise director warned us, they were expecting the wind chill to bring it down to 82 deg C! After a while of lazing around, we went to other floors (there were floors 5 to 11 to explore). We were then given a security briefing, about how to use life vests. The crew were very particular that everyone do this training, at a specified location, as against seeing the video from your cabins. We returned to our room after a while, to see the ship set sail. It was wonderful to stand in the balcony, and face the Miami traffic, who were waving from their cars, as they were driving! Some of them pulled over to just wave to us! All this while, we were also enjoying beautiful views, and taking lots of pictures. This is probably one of the few times when I thought the upgrade was totally worth it. We had a choice of taking a room without a balcony, and we chose this one. I strongly recommend this!

After we were well away from the port, Uma and I decided to get ready and explore the rest of the cruise again. We were also slightly hungry (again!). First things first, we stopped to get Uma flip flops from the gift store. Expensinve, but not as bad as I had expected. We then stopped by a restaurant to eat. They had very interesting sounding food, which tasted weird. Uma was not able to eat much. I asked her if she would be ok for the night. She indicated in a not-so-subtle way that we should go upstairs, for another round of the buffet! :) One good thing that came out of eating at this restaurant, was that the staff alerted us to a free song and dance show that was to happen, in their theater. The cruise is full of free food and free activities. You have to put in a little effort to find out where these food and activities are. Not very difficult to do, but you have to put in some effort. When you board the cruise, you are given a room card, which opens your cabin. Funny thing is, they also tag your credit card with this room card. So, when you go to a restaurant or a gift shop and pick up something, the staff simply ask for your room card. The thing is, they ask you for your room card for some of the free stuff too. So, you have to be careful to know which one's paid for and which one's not. Anyway, after dinner, we stopped by to see this song and dance show. It was pretty good, especially the dancing. The singing just reminded me of American Idol and America's got Talent kinda shows where it is considered to be an insult if someone was judged to be good for cruise ships. We ended that night with one more round of eating, and retired for the night. Before sleeping, we stepped in to our balcony to see how the ocean looked like in the night. It was one of the most disconcerting views. It was a cloudy night which meant there was nothing to see for hundreds of miles. Thankfully, at the bottom of the ship, there were a few lights that showed us the water level. The weather was still pretty warm and humid. The ship's rocking motion was something that we were now getting used to. The motion was not too harsh to cause any sort of sea-sickness, but it was still pronounced enough to notice. I had a good night's sleep, not waking up even once. The bed was rather comfortable.


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